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21st WPA Congress of Psychiatry is going virtual!
I am confident that this will be another important and valuable scientific online meeting adding a lot to the psychiatric and mental health knowledge.
WPA looks forward to seeing you online!

Dr Afzal Javed
President World Psychiatric AssociationDr Afzal Javed
President World Psychiatric AssociationQ: How will the 21st WPA Virtual Congress replace the physical meeting in Cartagena
A: The WPA Board has decided to take the 21st WPA Congress virtual. All speakers and presentations, interactive poster displays and exhibitors will be held entirely online.
Q: Will the 21st WPA Virtual Congress take place at the same time as the previous Congress dates?
A: The 21st WPA Virtual Congress will be taking place between 18-21 October 2021 with live-streamed and recorded sessions according to the program schedule. All of the meeting content will be available to registered participants on demand after the congress.
Q: What if I am not available during the congress dates?
A: The content will be available on-demand for a period following the congress dates, for all registered participants. More information on how long the content will be available after the congress dates will follow for registered participants, sponsors & exhibitors only.
Q: What do I need in order to attend the virtual congress?
A: To attend the 21st WPA virtual congress, you need a good internet connection, your device or computer, and a valid registration. You will receive login details a few days prior to the event.
Q: I have already registered for the 21st WPA Congress in Cartagena. Am I automatically registered for the virtual congress?
A: Yes, you are automatically registered for the 21st WPA Virtual Congress. As a registered delegate who has paid the full rate, we will refund the difference to the same payment method initially charged. If you wish to cancel your registration and receive a full refund, please let us know by e-mail:
Q: How do I register for the conference?
A: In order to register for the conference, please click here.
Q: How can I pay the registration fees?
A: Payment of registration fees can be made by credit card or bank transfer. For full details please click here.
Q: Can I receive an invoice under the sponsoring Company/ Hospital’s name?
A: Yes. During the registration process, you are required to insert Invoice Details, this information will appear on the invoice you receive by email when completing the registration process.
Q: Can I register for the conference without paying?
A: Yes, but your registration will be confirmed only when full payment is received.
Q: Can I register before the early fee deadline and pay later?
A: In order to benefit from the early fee registration discount, payment must be received before the deadline.
Q: Can I register during the congress?
A: Yes. Registration is available during the congress days.
Q: What does my registration fees include?
A: For full detailed entitlements, please check the registration page.
Q: Will I receive a confirmation letter after I have finished registering?
A: Yes. A detailed confirmation letter and receipt will be sent to you by email as soon as payment is received, and registration is completed. You may use this confirmation letter for visa application purposes.
Q: If I submit an abstract do I have to attend the Congress?
A: All accepted abstracts will be scheduled in the Scientific Program either as oral presentation, e poster discussion or e poster viewing. It is expected that at least one author of the abstract attends the Congress to present the work and answer questions. Only abstracts of registered participants will be scheduled in the Scientific Program.
Q: I have submitted an abstract, when will I know if it has been accepted?
A: Only after all abstracts have been reviewed by the Scientific Committee will notifications be sent to the abstract submitter. Every effort is made to conclude this process within one month after the abstract submission deadline or extended abstract submission deadline in case there is extension.
Q: How can I make changes to an abstract I have already submitted?
A: You may enter the Abstract Submission system with your username and password.
The submission form allows you to store your abstract as a DRAFT until the deadline. After the deadline if not submitted, drafts will be deleted.
Click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the process in order to submit your abstract. You can make changes to your submitted abstract by the deadline.
If you have already clicked on SUBMIT and you wish to edit your abstract you will be required to click on the “re open” icon. Please make sure to SUBMIT after your edits to keep any changes that were made.
After the submission deadline abstracts cannot be modified or corrected.
Q: If my abstract is accepted, where will it be published?
A: Copies of your accepted and registered abstracts will be published on the Congress website/online journal supplement/program. Please contact the Congress secretariat at for further details.
Q: I am having trouble logging into the abstract submission system – my username/password is not working.
A: Please try one of the following options via the abstract submission page:
In case you are using “Internet Explorer”, please try another internet browser, e.g. “Google Chrome” or “Mozilla”.
When you copy and paste your username and password please make sure there is no extra space at the beginning or the end of them.
Please note that the username or ID received when registering for the Congress is different to the abstract submission. Please use the abstract submission username or “create new account” option.
For any issues with your password please click on “Forgot my password” and you will be able to receive a new one.
Q: My abstract has been accepted but I do not have a copy. Are you able to send one to me?
A: Please enter your account to see the abstract you have submitted. This option is possible also after the submission deadline.
Q: I would like to delete my abstract. Can you please delete it for me?
A: You are able to delete your abstract until the abstract submission deadline. After the deadline please email the Congress secretariat.
Q: How can I claim my CME credits after the Congress?
A: Your CME-CPD certificate will be delivered electronically after the congress. You will be requested to complete the educational evaluation and credit claiming procedure. The process will take 5-10 minutes. We thank you for your feedback as it is an important part of the CME-CPD accreditation process and helps improve future educational offerings.