HealthStreet Program

HealthStreet Program

Community Engagement Workshop Offered at Chula HealthStreet

Meet information for registered participants:

August 5, 2022, 8:00am

Morning participants will be picked up at  the Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit Hotel.

Afternoon participants will be picked up at the Conference Venue (BITEC) at 12:30.

The pick up van has the logo of College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University.  Contact is Ms. Gintana Suwannates  (cell phone  0895261578). She will hold the note ‘Chula HealthStreet’.


Register for the Chula HealthStreet Workshop in Bangkok for a firsthand look inside Chulalongkorn University’s innovative, internationally recognized community health engagement program.

In this 2.5-hour workshop, attendees will visit HealthStreet to learn skills to conduct health assessments, engage the community, and refer participants to services including research studies. Materials will be shared during the workshop for potential replication of the model.

Register using the QR code below or by clicking the registration button.

About The HealthStreet Program

HealthStreet’s Community Health Workers link scientists with the community and vice versa, through creative bi-directional communication strategies and techniques.

In 2017, Chulalongkorn University College of Public Health Sciences adopted the HealthStreet model (Chula HealthStreet) in Bangkok from the community engagement model of the University of Florida. It is guided by 4 pillars: to improve community health, link people to services, develop the community engagement workforce and build trust. Community participants are recruited into the HealthStreet Registry and followed up regularly.


Register for the Chula HealthStreet Workshop Sessions at WCP 2022 in Bangkok

Date: 5 August, 2022

Time: (two group times)

  • Group 1: In the morning from 08:00 am until Noon

  • Group 2: In the afternoon from 13:00 pm until 17:00 pm

Limit: 16 participants per group

Transport: 2 vans will come and pick up the registered participants to take them to visit Chula Health Street

Register Here

 In this session, you will learn how to…

  • Design effective community outreach programs
  • Assess health concerns, conditions and social determinants of health
  • Navigate interested individuals to services and relevant research
  • Share findings with the community
  • Build the local workforce and be a trustworthy partner
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